Dyspraxia refers to an inability to carry out and co-ordinate skilled, purposeful movements and gestures with normal accuracy. It occurs across a range of intellectual abilities and presents in a range of ways. Dyspraxia affects everyday life skills such as self-care, educational and recreational activities. Additional issues may include social and emotional difficulties, time management and organization. Dyspraxia can also affect articulation and speech, perception and thought.
The causes are not fully known but research suggests that poor linkages in nerve cells may be evident.
Dyspraxia affects approximately 6% of students.
Students may have difficulty in group tasks, copying from the board and organising class work. They may have concentration difficulties, trouble following instructions and be easily frustrated. Motor performance is substantially delayed compared to age peers.
Students with dyspraxia have difficulty planning what to do and how to do it. Dyspraxia is a developmental co-ordination disorder and is also classed as a motor learning disability. Particular symptoms or signs that may be present in school-age children with dyspraxia include:
Students with dyspraxia tend to work better one-on-one than in a whole class situation. Provide additional support during discussion and group instruction and tasks. Peer mentors and SLSOs may be assigned.
Arranged for special provisions in assessment tasks – writer, extra time, separate supervision?
Colour-coded key terms and concepts?
Displayed unit outlines, objectives and schedules in the classroom?
Issued materials prior to the lesson for student to preview?
Provided assistive technologies?