Students with sensory issues may have atypical reactions to sound, light, touch, smell and taste. Sensitivity may be extreme with the source of discomfort obvious only to the student themselves (eg. a buzzing fluorescent light)
Check with student to see if coloured paper is required.
Avoid visual clutter on worksheets – use fonts without serifs.
Design activities in short sections with a clear beginning and end.
Provide written work to support verbal information.
Allow frequent and regular breaks to prevent eye fatigue.
Schedule sensory/movement breaks eg. change of environment.
Be diligent during physical activities- students may respond differently to cold or pain.
Avoid standing beside windows when speaking- it is difficult for students to see you.
Music or earphones may assist in focusing when doing individual work.
Encourage the use of personal timers to assist in planning and organising time.
Be aware of trippers in your subject area eg the smell of paint, loud sounds in music.
Allow student access to water to drink or materials to fidget with if desired.
Communicate with parents and previous teachers for specific requirements.
Ask student for feedback and incorporate suggestions eg lighting.
Student may require extra time or separate supervision in exams.
Students with hearing or sight challenges may require assistance in assessment tasks eg. a reader.
Alteration of the classroom environment to reduce distractions.
Adapted lunch seating to reduce sensory stressors.
Provide sensory breaks, eg. errands.
Give student a warning before transitions.
Provide a quiet ‘chill out’ space if needed.
Don’t insist on eye contact if the student is unable.
Encourage student to tell peers of specific triggers eg. food and smells.
Organise for peers to travel in pairs if crowded environments are overstimulating.
Organise for a peer to share notes to keep student up-to-date.
Arranged for rest breaks to include opportunities for individualised teacher attention?
Arranged for special provisions in assessment tasks – separate supervision?
Discussed successful strategies with the Learning Support Team?
Provided a quiet study area within the classroom?
Provided assistive technologies?