Emphasis on the main idea, section headings, captions and topic sentences helps to define the purpose of a task. Encourage recognition of key words and important concepts. Consideration in this area helps to alleviate frustration and improves academic performance.
Provide notes with key terms highlighted.
Use graphic organisers and study guides to show relationships between concepts.
Provide a study guide.
Intersperse easy and difficult demands on an 80/20 basis (gradually increase).
Ensure written instructions begin with a verb. Explicitly teach procedure text.
Avoid multi-step directions.
Use literal language.
Present lessons in sequential order.
Use consistent language when giving directions.
Limit background noise.
Encourage brainstorming about how tasks may be completed.
Break lessons into smaller steps and check progress frequently.
Student may have trouble listening and taking notes at the same time.
Provide written outline of main points prior to test.
‘Check in’ often with the student and praise completion of each task or section.
Give verbal directions at the start of tests.
Provide praise and rewards for correctly completed sections.
Display commonly used procedures on classroom noticeboards.
Group students with self-reliant peers.
Use timers to pace students through components of the lesson.
Use proximity to supervise and maintain engagement and access to assistance.
Have student repeat directions.
Provide examples of student work.
Allow cooperative groups or paired activities.
Arranged for special provisions in assessment tasks – reader, extra time, separate supervision?
Included word banks, glossaries and highlighted key terms?
Incorporated frequent revision activities and study notes?
Issued materials prior to the lesson for student to review?
Redesigned worksheets to clearly identify answer spaces and working-out areas?