Physical · Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida · Profile

What is it?

Spina bifida is a congenital malformation which affects the brain, nerves and spinal cord.

What causes it?

The exact cause is not yet known. It is thought that genes and the environment are part of the cause. The incidence of spina bifida has lessened in recent years as more women take folate supplements during pregnancy.


Approximately 1 in a 1000 babies have spina bifida.

Medical Considerations

The severe forms are less common. There are two types:


It can make walking or daily activities hard to do without help. The disease can have mild or severe forms. Each person with the condition faces different challenges and may require different treatments. The mild form more common and does not need treatment. Most people with this type do not realise. In its more severe form there can be other issues:


Students may have difficulty with concentration and as a result may struggle to keep pace in class. They may appear fidgety and impulsive and struggle to organise themselves. Provide additional support during instruction and in planning tasks.

Further Information

Spina Bifida Association

Spina Bifida · Educational

Lesson Preparation & Materials

Teaching Strategies

Feedback & Assessment

Spina Bifida · Pastoral

Classroom Management

Peers & SLSOs


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