Cognitive · Intellectual Disability - Moderate

Intellectual Disability - Moderate · Profile

What is it?

A Mild Intellectual Disability (IM) refers to students with an IQ below around 55. Learning Disabilities are reflected in problems with acquisition and retention of information. These students may have impairments in oral language, reading, writing and mathematics with functioning which is significantly lower than age peers. In addition to academic areas, the student may have difficulties with organisation, self-care and social skills. Students with Moderate Intellectual Disability require extensive support to access a modified curriculum.

What causes it?

Students in the IO range often have comorbid diagnoses such as autism or Down Syndrome. A wide variety of causes exist such as genetic factors and birth defects.


Students in this range reflect less than 1% of the general school population.

Medical Considerations

Cognitive and adaptive functioning assessments reveal performance compared to age peers. The student will have an IEP which outlines suggested interventions and classroom modifications necessary to provide the student with a meaningful and relevant education. Considerations include:


Teachers may notice:


Students require additional assistance to enable access to specialised classes and in-class support in the mainstream. Students will require tasks to be revised to reduce literacy demands and provide more concrete examples and visuals.

Further Information

NSW Council for Intellectual Disability

Intellectual Disability - Moderate · Educational

Lesson Preparation & Materials

Teaching Strategies

Feedback & Assessment

Intellectual Disability - Moderate · Pastoral

Classroom Management

Peers & SLSOs


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