Vision Impairment is a diagnosed visual condition that cannot be corrected to within normal limits with treatment, surgery or corrective lenses. Legal blindness in Australia means that someone with vision impairment, even with glasses or contact lenses, can see an object at 6 metres that someone without vision impairment could see from 60 metres. This is called 6/60 vision.
Disease, damage or injury causing vision impairment can occur to any part of the visual system. This includes the eye, the visual pathways to the brain or the visual centre of the brain. Some students are born with a disability and others develop an impairment over time.
Conditions that may cause vision loss after birth include:
Vision impairment affects more than 1 in 2500 Australian children.
Students may have reading difficulties, mobility problems or may have unusual personal space requirements in order to see another student clearly. Holding reading material at an unusually close range may require referral.
The most common vision impairments affect:
Students with vision impairment will need specialised intervention. Itinerant teachers may be assigned to support the student in the classroom and be able to offer a range of specific teaching strategies and interventions. Such information can be found in Health Care Plans or the student’s IEP.
Provided audio recordings and technological supports?
Colour-coded key terms and concepts?
Audited the classroom for physical or sensory issues?
Provided assistive technologies?
Arranged for special provisions in assessment tasks – reader, extra time, separate supervision?