Sensory · Hearing

Hearing · Profile

What is it?

A hearing impairment is a hearing loss that prevents a person from totally receiving sounds through the ear. If the loss is mild, the person has difficulty hearing faint or distant speech. A person with this degree of hearing impairment may use a hearing aid to amplify sounds. If the hearing loss is severe, the person may not be able to distinguish any sounds.

What causes it?

There are four types of hearing loss: * Conductive: caused by diseases or obstructions in the outer or middle ear. * Sensorineural: results from damage to the inner ear. * Mixed: occurs in both the inner and outer or middle ear. * Central: results from damage to the central nervous system.


On overage, one Australian child is identified with hearing impairment every day. 2-3 out of every 1000 school children have this diagnosis.

Medical Considerations

Hearing loss affects a child’s speech and language ability. Whether a student can use his or her hearing to understand speech or recognise sounds in the environment is influenced by many factors, including:


Each degree, type, and configuration of hearing loss can impact the development of language, speech, and communication and the student's educational placement.


Some students fear stigma and that other students will treat them differently after they find out. In this situation be clear that you need to be able to communicate with the student and cater for their needs, but be discreet.

Further Information

Australian Hearing

Hearing · Educational

Lesson Preparation & Materials

Teaching Strategies

Feedback & Assessment

Hearing · Pastoral

Classroom Management

Peers & SLSOs


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